Survey Types
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How It Works
Survey Types
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more than
Years' Collective Experience
Survey Preparation
The most comprehensive survey can only be conducted when the vessel is properly prepared in advance. The client will arrange with all parties for the vessel to be made ready and safe for the surveyor by providing complete access. Inspection of compartments, bilges, engine room, lockers, etc., will be free of excess as to readily permit the surveyor entry and egress without engaging in the removal of items. Arrange to have access to systems located under births, dinettes, etc., such as bow & stern thrusters, water tanks, pumps, fuel tanks, and steering gear as it will require bedding, mattresses and platforms to be removed.
Have on board current registration or documentation, prior survey reports and receipts of repairs and upgrades that need to be considered.
Haulout fees, arrangements and other fees associated with the survey and or operation of the vessel are the responsibility of the client.
We also recommend limiting the number of people on board, for the surveyor’s work requires deck plates and hatches to be left open at times.
The amount of time required for the average survey is approximately 3-5 hours on board the vessel with 1-2 hours for haul out and 1-2 hours for sea trial.
We recommend for Sailing vessels inspection of standing and running rigging by a qualified Marine Rigger.
We recommend factory trained Engine Surveyors for both the main engines and generators as well.
Consider scheduling the Marine Surveyor and Engine Surveyor on separate days too. We have found this time line works best allowing adequate time for all to thoroughly preform their job.
The survey can be an all day process at times, so come prepared with water and something to eat. Also, patience flexibility and a sense of humor go a long way because sometimes, things just do not go according to plan.
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The Survey Report
Our survey reports resemble that of Chapmans School of Seamanship as does our survey method.
Chapmans time tested approach helps to eliminate a finding or a condition that might otherwise have eluded us.
A written marine survey report will be prepared in PDF format within 2 to 4 business days or sooner, upon completion of survey and delivered via email.
The survey report will include general information pertaining to the vessels specifications and identification.
A complete review of the vessels hull and it’s structural integrity and systems along with supporting documentation.
A complete review of the vessels interior and exterior surfaces and condition with supporting documentation.
A detailed list of the surveyor’s findings and recommendations prioritized for easy reference and photographs.
A current value and replacement cost of the vessel is included.
The Pre-Purchase Survey with it’s findings section can become valuable tool when negotiation a purchase, often far exceeding the initial cost of the survey.
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Pre-Purchase Survey
Pre Purchase Survey is conducted when someone is contemplating buying a vessel.
It is a very comprehensive “Condition and Valuation” (C&V) survey that often includes operational testing of all systems and equipment, as well as a sea trial. The vessel is typically inspected both in and out of the water. Its primary purpose is to provide the potential buyers with the information that they need to make an informed purchase decision.
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Insurance Survey
Insurance Survey is a Limited Condition & Valuation marine survey specifically for insurance purposes. An insurance C&V survey may be done with the vessel either afloat or ashore, depending on the insurance carrier’s requirements, and doesn’t necessarily require a sea trial or operational testing of all equipment and systems. Each insurance company has their own set of requirements as to what age/size vessel. The information contained in the insurance C&V survey report is not sufficient to make an informed decision regarding the purchase of a new or used the vessel.
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Appraisal Survey
Appraisal Surveys are used for financing, estate and divorce settlements, and donation of vessels to charities. Professional marine surveyors are recognized by the IRS, courts, banks and insurance companies as boat and yacht appraisers within their
area of expertise.
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Damage Survey
Surveys are performed at the request of insurance companies, vessel owners and other vested entities. The damage survey is focused on determining the nature and cause of the event as it pertains to the vessel, as well as the extent of damage including recommendations and estimates for repairs.
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Electrical Testing
Vessels are equipped with multiplex AC Electrical Systems. Your vessels onboard power is derived from either a shore power connection, generator or inverter. Equipment Leakage Circuit Interrupters (ELCIs), Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) provide protection from lethal electrical shock to people on board
as well in the water around the boat. Occasional tripping of AC Circuit Breakers, GFIC, ELCI should not be ignored. These protection devices make your boat safer. It is essential that you boats electrical system is periodically inspected to verify that its safe and working order and that all life protection devices are work as designed.
We are ABYC Marine Electrical Certified Technicians as well as a California Licensed Electrical Contractor. We provide testing and consulting for you boats AC / DC Electrical systems.
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Corrosion Testing
Periodic testing of your vessels corrosion control system will keep you ahead of costly corrosion problems. Over zincing is as problematic as no zinc protection at all. Discovering corrosion issues in the boat yard is usually too late, especially on wood boats. To correctly preform the test, the boat needs to be in the water and connected to shore power, where it resides most of the time.
We are ABYC Marine Certified Technicians; Inclusive of Marine Electrical, Marine Standards & Marine Systems. In addition, we are also are ProMariner-Yacht Corrosion Consultants Certified Technicians.
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Serving all Southern California’s Harbors and Marinas and Beyond
Local area includes Marina Del Ray, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, LA Harbor, Wilmington, Long Beach, Alamitos Bay, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Dana Point, Oceanside, San Diego, Avalon, Catalina Island, San Clemente Island, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard ,Big Bear Lake, Lake Arrowhead
Outside of the area includes Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Mountain Lakes, San Francisco Bay, Marin, Sonoma, Alameda counties and beyond

Consulting Services
We do provide consulting and project management involving the many
specialized areas that make up a vessel. We are both Navtech trained Master Marine
Surveyors and ABYC Marine Certified Technicians, Electrical, Standards, Systems. Rest assured that repairs, upgrades or outfitting to your vessel will not only meet manufactures specifications be preformed as per the guide lines set forth USSA USCG, DOT, ABYC, NFPA & ABS.
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Call and let’s discuss your marine survey needs.
We’ll provide you with a comprehensive survey within 2-4 days or even sooner of inspection.
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Survey Rates
For Power, Sail, MULTIHULL, Wood & Fiberglass Vessels
Condition & Valuation “Pre-Purchase” Survey cost per foot
Vessels up to 60′ $18.00–$34.00
Vessels 60+ Please call for a quote
Condition & Valuation “Insurance” & Appraisal Survey cost per foot
Vessels up to 60′ $15.00–$20.00
Vessels 60′+ Call for quote
Each survey requires consideration and tailoring to fit each vessel, just too many variables and circumstances to assume other wise. Boats do get large quickly, a boat twice the length could have up to four times the surface area and eight times the volume.You want a comprehensive Marine Survey & report, call and let’s discuss your survey needs. Marine Survey West 714-809-5431.
Electrical System Testing 2-hour min. @ $152.00 per hour
Corrosion Control System Testing 2-hour min. @ $152.00 per hour
Consulting Outfitting and Upgrades 1.50-hour min. @ $152.00 per hour
Damage Surveys 2-hour min. @ $152.00 per hour
Intermodal Cargo & Container Surveys @ $199.00 each 3-unit min
Daily rate outside the area $1600.00 day + expenses
“The initial cost of saving a dollar or two per foot may seem attractive in the beginning, but in reality it will cost you thousands down the road. The only one that benefits from a low cost survey is the one being paid”.